Tuesday, March 10, 2009

PhotoJournalism "Multis" and Convergence Media with Bill Frakes

This is a repeat posting of a blog post on a different blog that I write on. Since we've talked about this photographer in class and the piece he created at the State Wrestling Tournament, I thought you may enjoy reading it as well. ~Mrs. Morrow

Bill Frakes, 25-yr Sports Illustrated photographer, and his partner Laura Heald, spoke to nearly 400 people at Creighton University on Friday, February 20, 2009. The event was sponsored by Apple Computers and hosted students of both high school and colleigate levels, as well as teachers from area schools. Frakes and Heald walked us through their workflow as they create multimedia pieces (combining video, audio, and still images) for Sports llustrated.com and Sports Illustrated for Kids.com Using Apple Professional Applications (Final Cut Pro, Aperature, Soundtrack Pro, etc.) the two-person team inspired the audience of learners by showing finished pieces as well as a piece-in-progress: The Nebraska State Wrestling Tournament. Bill finished the 2 1/2 hour session with a slideshow collection of his favorite Sports Illustrated images over the years and left everyone feeling empowered and motivated to continue use technology to capture the stories around us and share them with the world.

Some of the most interesting and important things that I heard Bill and Laura talk about included:
  • The most important quality of a photojournalist is the ability to fall in love with subject - be able to talk to people.
  • Everything you do brings exactly to where you are- It is a growth process. (Sometimes he
    will go through four days of shooting and production only to throw it all out and focus on a different story.)
  • Failure is always an important part of the growth process.
  • COLLECT INFORMATION!! - no matter how you collect it. Vaccuum cleaner everything-- get all the info you can!
  • For the most part still photography gives more power than video, in his opinion.
  • The heart, mind, eye, and soul will always be more important than the black box (camera or other technology tools).
    (Growing up in Scottsbluff, NE not a lot of things are going on. But you can find a story anywhere-- if you just learn how to look for it.)
  • Another piece of advice.. "Take what you have and do the best you can do with it." (His mom's popcorn cake story)
And finally, the most memorable quote of the evening for me was, "It's not about the HOW, it's about the WHY." I think we can all take this advice and apply it to whatever area of teaching and learning we are involved in... most especially in the realm of educational technology. Bill and Laura definitely showed us their talents, but also inspired the hidden talent in each one of us, as a photographer, videographer, interviewer, storyteller, composer, or whatever it may be. Each of us is equipped with the ability to create art just as powerful or more so as Bill and Laura's. We just have to find it and transform it into a product that we are proud of. With Apple's Pro Apps software suite this is easier than ever before. With Bill Frakes encouragement and advice, we all saw how "doable" Convergence Media and Photojournalism can be for each of us interested in trying.

Monday, March 9, 2009

09 Week #9 - Screennation

Another collective website for teenage moviemakers looks to be another positive resource for you budding filmmakers. It is called ScreenNation and I want you to check it out and share some things that you discover for this week's blog post. Visit http://screennation.afi.com/. Browse through the site. Click on the Challenges link. Any ideas for an entry from you? After this week's project you will be choosing a new movie project topic each week. This site may give you some ideas. You could also post your previous productions to this site and get feedback from all over the globe. Finally, you should click on the "LEARN" link on the left side of the homepage and watch at least 3 of the teaching videos. Tell us what you learned in this week's blog post.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

09 Week #8: Self-directed learning via iTunes

For this week's blog post assignment, you are assigned to subscribe to the Ripplecast Podcast at: http://www.rippletraining.com/ripplecasts.html

Download as many of the episodes as you would like to learn about and then watch at least one. Reply to this post by telling us which podcast episode you watched and what you learned.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

09 Week #7 Self-Assessment

It's time for parent-teacher conferences already again. For this week's blog I would like you to take a moment to reflect on what you have learned during the first part of this second of semester of class. What are some ways that you are stretching yourself and trying to develop your digital media skills? What are some things you are doing really well with? What areas could you show some improvements in? Self-critique is good once in awhile, often more important than percentage or letter grades, and I would love to hear things from your point of view.

I would also like you to post what you are considering for your Digies project. I know the time will sneak away from us like always and I would love to help you out as you formulate your plan for yet another impressive digital media project.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

09 Week #6 B-roll/Cutaways example

Find at least one example of A-roll/B-roll footage (most likely an interview where the action "cuts away" to B-roll shots. Post the link of the movie clip that you found to this blog post. Mention any additional techniques that you think are important to remember when creating interview or documentary-type movies that you noticed in your clip. Keep watching video with your "mind wide open" and apply what you like to your projects!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

09 Week #5 Movies make you millions??


Read the above article and share your reactions.

What do you think it would take to actually make money off of making youtube-type videos? What are some ways teenagers like you can get involved in the world of digital media to make it more than just a hobby? Is this something you think you would ever be interested in?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

09 Week #4 Blog Post

Watch this video and blog about it. More points awarded for quality and quantity of insights. Try to relate things you have learned in class with your analysis of the commercial.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

09 Week #3: iCan!

This is not just a pun, but an actual student Film festival held every year in California. Click on the link to the student-produced movies here: http://www.sfett.com/html_movie/Ican/4.html
**Notice that you can click on the numbers across the top to view additional years of entries. Watch as many as you like... then review at least one of them. What did you like, not like, wonder, etc... Pretend you are Siskel and Ebert and give your candid review. Make sure you leave us the URL so that we can go watch it as well!

Monday, January 12, 2009

09 Week #2: Childhood Classics

Before we put you behind the lens, put yourself back in the audience. What was your favorite movie growing up? You know, the movie that you went to see 10 times in the theater and then purchased the VHS tape that you watched so much that you wore out. I can't name one, but I can name several: E.T., Ghostbusters, Footloose, Flashdance, and my all time favorite "The Sound of Music" all come to mind right away! Even though we grew up in different times, I think it safe to say that a movie classic is a classic forever. Do we hear any common Hollywood hits? Remember that a big part of your job as a moviemaker this semester is to be a movie-"watcher." Analyze, critique, and enjoy watching what you are learning about in class come to life on the big screen. And don't forget to leave your comments to this post to share some of your "Childhood Classics."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Digital Media Blog Post #1

Welcome to a new semester and a great new opportunity. Digital Media looks to be a challenging, mind-stretching, enjoyable experience for all of us involved this semester. For your first blog post, please comment on your hopes, fears, and expectations of this course. What projects are you thinking about creating this semester? What types of learning will most directly mesh with your learning style? Finally, where do you think you will use the knowledge gained from Digital Media in your near or distant futures?

As with all blog postings, make sure that you leave your name on your comment and that you utilize good composition skills (including spell-check) before publishing.